*Always include a drop capital at the start.
*Limited colour palette (as can be seen on the left; blue, white and black). This is to save printing costs.
*Subsidiary images. 'NME' usually have little slots of info with the subsidiary images on one side of the page. (See right).
*Main image usually takes up one side of the page, unless-as it is and indie genre- they want to produce it differently which may attract the indie audience. (Uses and gratifications theory)
*Informal mode of address, as the indie audience would not be able to relate as well to a formal mode of address, and it may put them off.
*Name of the band always included.
*In the headline the name of the interviewee is highlighted.
*Quotes are usually included in the music genre on the images. Snippets from the main article, to give the reader a taste of the main article.
*Issue date and website usually included on each page.
*Stand-first always included next to headline. e.g 'He pioneered laptop djing and still gets sent thousands of records everyday...'
*Columns always between 2 and 4 (again, unless they are trying to make a statement and produce it differently-uses and gratifications theory)
*Magazine name included at the bottom of the page- 'nme'.
*Always has to include who the article is written by- bylines.
*Images are alternative/indie to link with genre and audience.
*Short, snappy headline to attract readers' attention.
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